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A recent study in the United Kingdom lists Android as the platform most likely to the development of hardware errors. The survey of over 600,000 technical support calls in the last 12 months was carried out by WDS. Research in motion grabbed the top spot with 3.7% of BlackBerry support calls related to hardware problems, followed by Apple with 8%. Windows phone devices rounded with 9% of his call during Android sunk in last place with 14%.

It is easy to see, allowing for RIM and Apple upwards from the list: control. RIM and Apple produce the hardware and software that run on their devices allows fine-grained control as the functions of the phone. It is no wonder why BlackBerry and iOS devices often for their lifetime of the battery and reliability are praised. RIM goes one step further and is durability ensure its appliances through a series of tests before shipped it to thousands of business users all over the world. Microsoft exercises a similar, but less extreme, heavy hand of hardware for their platform. All Windows phone devices must meet a minimum hardware specification for the Redmond seal of approval will be granted.

So, what happened to Android? Critics are quickly pointed out that hardware failure are yet another side-effect of platform fragmentation, a term that one certainly has become four-letter word Google. The fact is this: Android you place each at any time on any device without so much as a phone call or handshake please. Further restrictions on devices that want to garner placed the certification "with Google", but even then, there is no mandatory hardware approval process. In addition to it the Android core is not only on an extremely wide variety of phone chassis, but also as Netbooks, tablets and kiosks can be run. We have also seen, Android on competing devices like the HTC HD2 and Apple iPhone running. This makes hardware specialization more difficult.

The Smartphone market moves quickly, and there is no doubt that Android has enabled, manufacturers, research and development to increase cycles due to the adaptable nature of the operating system. Since moving the industry at such breakneck speed, it is possible to manufacturers and airlines are noise products out the door before they have fully tested in an effort to gain the advantage over competitors. We are looking at much shorter "time to market" on today's smartphones than in previous years.

But androids greatest weakness would be in fact its greatest strength. The fact that there no hardware approval process by Google means that products of simple, fast push-out. In addition, it has allowed surface to a variety of form factors that were previously not possible. Of dual-screen convertible phones like the Kyocera echo with breakthrough: next-generation display devices such as LG Optimus-3D 3D it seems that every time we have reached the limit of what can we do with hardware, someone always come you to continue to push the platform. In addition, pressure on other platforms created fast development cycle of the Android powered devices to increase hardware iteration cycles. Some vendors such as RIM, are fighting to keep.

Take this way is this: there is no clear right or wrong possibility of developing a mobile phone. Whether it gradually is Sprint like Android Apple or a constant, we have seen many successful models. What Android manufacturers will now, dealing with must is sure is that the quality is not sacrificed to the crowd.

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