Does Hulu Plus only released 6 phones fragmentation Strikes Again? -ExtremeTech

Last week, Hulu surprised everyone by the release of an application for Hulu Plus for Android phones. It is pretty exciting news at first glance, but there's a catch: app only six phones available, and are not even technically the most popular in their respective devices networks. Here the list... do not be surprised if your phone not in it:

  • Nexus One
  • Nexus S
  • HTC Inspire 4 G
  • Motorola Droid II
  • Motorola Droid X
  • Motorola Atrix

You might think is not such a big deal, thats a Hulu Go-Getter, and that more phones every week it will appear. Unfortunately, it seems to be the case. In the entry on the Hulu blog, use a calendar covering a whole year for additional devices for its path in the list. To put this in perspective, a new version of Android (ice cream Sandwich) will probably be in some devices are Hulu.

But Android fragmentation is not what it used to be. It only requires Android 2.2 Froyo running, running at about 65 per cent of all the Android devices - most of which are mobile more recent. The real problem in this particular situation is the number of different devices and device manufacturers. If take a look at the list above, you will see two devices HTC, a Samsung and three tired. In his extremely limited release, Hulu has already had to cover three different manufacturers, with phones that go from the impressive ageing but Nexus One, "top of the line", with the S Nexus and the dual - core, something experimental, Atrix.

On that note, how many people does an Atrix or Nexus S? The numbers of any of them are hard to find in numbers that are accurate anywhere near, but it is very easy to see walking through a mall is not the number of people who have an EVO, a wish or even a MyTouch. Probably the Hulu team realized this, but put in an application that only works on six phones and blocked the installation requirements. Even users with top-end, fully rooted phones may not install, and truly sad thing is that the application would probably be fine in the majority of them.

Therefore, this is a case of fragmentation damaging to users, or is a case of a company not trying enough hard beat it? It is easy to say that it is a mixture of both, but as more and more users are watching recently, Netflix Android app runs on devices much more than six, and account with the highest qualifications of persons who are able to install it.
