Pokémon game, which his way to the Android < b > < /b > market this summer

A Pokémon game makes its way to Android! No, not by the nature and way emulators or the 3rd party Pokémon Tower Defense game. I'm talking about a real, legit Pokémon game by the actual developers of hit Nintendo Games.

The Pokemon company has on their website, announced that they type Pokemon say will release? This summer in Japan for free on Android and iOS devices. Although my Japanese is a little rusty, gameplay is centered around music from the Pokemon black and white TV series and presses, Pokémon cards most likely to music is synchronized on carefully timed button.

During these messages to Japanese Pokémon fans are sure to please, there are still no plans this locate this app/game for Android users here in the States. I find what is the most enigmatic like Android and iOS grown are direct competitors with Nintendo and their handhelds to be Nintendo is still the case that one of their largest franchise makes its way to Android/iOS, about. Interesting.

[Via Pokemon.Co]